Bishopsgate Kitchen @ Old Spitafields Market


Bishopsgate Kitchen

Bishopsgate Kitchen, 4 Brushfield Street,Spitalfields, London, E1 6AN

I discovered Bishopsgate Kitchen place as I was heading to the BreakFast Club nearby – the latter being a famous brunch spot but very overrated in my opinion. Good food, good atmosphere but not worth the often hour long queue. Anyway, I was heading there with some friends, and when we discovered the long line of people on the pavement, we decided we’d better go somewhere else! We were in Spitafields market, a very nice location in East London, so were not too worried that we would find somewhere nice to eat.

Just around the corner, we found Bishopsgate Kitchen. We were attracted by the cosy but yet sleek atmosphere of the place, which you can see from the street through their very attractive floor to ceiling glass front. The interior has kind of a rustic feel: old wooden tables and chairs and fresh, local produce lining the walls. There is a long high communal table in the center of the restaurant, with big red toasters regularly placed along it. You can also sit close to the window, or at one of the tables at the back.

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Elderflower cupcakes – white chocolate buttercream

Elderflower white choc cupcake LR


I feel like I made a big step this week in my knowledge of British culture! I attended Ladies Day at the Royal Ascot . So for this event I felt I needed to make a few special cupcakes: very British, and very ladylike. I think these elderberry cupcakes with white chocolate butter cream, covered in pretty sugar flowers did the trick!

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Traditional lasagna with green peas (meaty and veggie options)


I am just coming back from a lovely week-end in Tuscany. We did the trip for a wedding, close to San Gimignano. Two days in the Tuscan countryside and I feel so rested that it is as if I had spent the whole week there. Time just seems suspended there, and it is a great feeling when you live in a busy city like London. Coming back was so difficult!

As I was away I don’t have anything current to share, but I thought this Italian escapade was a great excuse to share with you my lasagna recipe, with homemade sauce and all. This is also to celebrate the nice performance of Italy for their first World Cup game! I was amazed how much Italians are into football; a screen was put up in the marquee at midnight, so those who wanted could watch the game while the band was playing.

With this recipe you can keep both vegetarians and meat-eaters happy : make the meaty or veggie variation of the sauce, then assemble your lasagna.You can also use the sauce for a simple pasta dish if you don’t feel like doing the full shebang.

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